Day 22 - Holiday in my Schedule

Today is president day which is a holiday which equals no construction work. I forgot to include that in my original schedule. Contractor #3 also forgot a huge number on his original estimate. He forgot a bunch of stuff! So much that the budget went up $100k! I would have accepted a few thousand dollars but not that. Not 25% more from my budget. That was unacceptable and I tried to get the budget down but it wasn't going to work.

I frantically looked online again for modular companies and finally found Excel. Actually I found them a year ago but decide to use Contractor #1 instead. This time we are using Excel! The reason was very simple. They had the countertop my wife wanted. That may sound ridiculous but it showed that Excel provided lots of options in their packages.  Each modular company has options but they are very basic. Even their upgrades. As mentioned in an earlier post Excel even included a steam shower! 

I let go of Contractor #3 and lost some more money in the deposit for the SIP plans but we have to make the switch or else we can't build. On April 15 we began working with Contractor #4, Dave at Carbide Construction and Excel homes. It was time to finally get a permit!